Queensway Carleton Hospital Surgical Assist Group

Subscribe / Synchronize / Export

You can export the QCHSAG calendar for viewing inside of your favorite calendar program.

Microsoft Outlook

Click on one of these links:

Note: The imported calendar will be static and does not update automatically. To update the calendar in Outlook after changes have been made, you must repeat this operation

Windows Vista Calendar

Click on one of these links:

Apple iCal

Click on one of these links:

Google Calendar


  • Copy one of these URL's to your clipboard.
    • Everybody's calendar:
  • Switch to Google Calendar and click on the "Add" button illustrated in the above figure.
  • Click on "Add by URL"
  • Paste the above URL into the text box and press "Add"
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Design by Bryan Larsen February 28, 2025, 01:54AM